R 211414Z JUN 21 FM COMCOGARD PSC WASHINGTON DC TO ALCGPSC BT UNCLAS ALCGPSC 054/21 SUBJ: GOVERNMENT TRAVEL CHARGE CARD (GTCC) FINANCIAL SYSTEM TRANSITION A. ALCOAST 194/21 1. Per reference A, the new Financial System Modernization Solution (FSMS) implementation will begin on 01 October 21, which will delay capability to process travel reimbursements and cash advances. A new E-Gov Travel Services (ETS) travel system will also be integrated. 2. In order to mitigate risks associated with this transition period, all members anticipating travel during Q1 FY22 should obtain a Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC). Instructions to apply are available at this link: Travel Card Program (uscg.mil). Additionally, all GTCC holders need to ensure compliance with DHS Mandated Travel Card training available via the Coast Guard Learning Portal in order to maintain an active account; this requirement is mandated every two years. 3. Since travel reimbursements will be delayed, all cardholders without an existing past due balance will be placed in a Mission Critical status, allowing continued travel card availability without becoming past due until claims can be processed. Members are expected to make payment as soon as they are able to submit a travel claim using the split disbursement feature on the travel voucher. Most importantly, existing past due balances must be paid off to be eligible for Mission Critical status. 4. Travel completed prior to 10 September 21, must have a travel claim submitted by 17 September to allow for payment by the end of the September billing cycle. All travel concluding on or after 10 September 21 will likely not to be processed until the transition period ends. 5. The GTCC program will continue to provide key updates and information on the Travel Card Program Web site at: http://dcms.uscg.mil/govtrvl/ and MyCG at: https://www.mycg.uscg.mil/ a. Travelers should direct questions to their unit GTCC Travel Manager. Members can determine who their supporting Travel Managers are under the contacts page located at this link: https://cg.portal.uscg.mil/units/psc/psc-bops/GTCC%20Library/Forms/AllItems.aspx 6. Released by: RDML S. N. Gilreath, Commander, Coast Guard Personnel Service Center. The Service Center for Our Most Important Resource Our People. 7. Internet release is authorized. BT